Friday, November 26, 2004

wish you were here...

I am really missing you today!
A ton...
Unplugged 8 was last night. It was absolutely fantastic! Funny how one gets so caught up with commercialized music and then after something like that, I just feel very refreshed. There's so much actual musical talent out there, hidden in the most obscure places... it gave me that warm fuzzy feeling inside ;) Cam got up and played guitar with this guy Daniel Heffner who did this incredible "flamenco" style song. How someone's fingers can move that fast is beyond me! There was this one girl who did this hilarious song called "Ode To Bananas" - I know you would've appreciated it. The lyrics were the best! Another girl also wrote brilliant lyrics, but she was so shy, it was difficult hearing her sing over the guitar. Her voice was beautiful though, she just needed a little more umph behind it :)
so yeah, after it was over I found myself in an extremely nostalgic sentimental, I really miss Michelle mood...
In nanny news:
Gymnastics is over until january... awwwwwww.
The kids and I made about 50 christmas tree ornaments out of bakers clay yesterday. Leslee insists I'm running some sort of sweat shop, using child labour like that ;) I went for lunch with her and Bill the giant today and after it was over, Bill apologized for being such a bore to be around! I found it very endearing. He's not a bore, he's just sooooooo shy. Getting him into a conversation is like pulling teeth sometimes, but hey, that's allright - to each their own!
Hmmm... what have the kids been up to this week?
Last week I had the three year old from hell. Holy crap, was she a pain in the ass to be around.
Um, I wouldn't mind murdering Hilary Duff in her sleep, or just sending her to some faraway deserted island would probably do... she's Mia's idol.
Speaking of Mia, this morning she was in the bathroom for about 45 minutes, so eventually I went and knocked on the door and said, "come on mia, what on earth is taking so long?"
Mia: I'm doing my makeup
Mia: My makeup. Mom gave me some of her old stuff.
Me: Let me in there right now please.
I find her all done up with about 4 coats of mascara and this bright purple glossy sparkly lipstick.
Me: Mia, you know that's okay to put on if we're just hanging around the house, but you're leaving in 30 minutes to spend the day with your grandparents, and that's not okay to wear over there. (she's eight remember...)
Mia: What do you want me to do?
Me: Wash it off.
15 minutes later,
Mia: Owwwwwww, it won't come off!!!!!!
5 minutes later,
Mia: I think I scrubbed all my eyelashes off too...
Me: Is that my fault?
Then I of course hugged her and thanked her for doing such a good cleanup job. And no she didn't scrub her eyelashes off...

However a couple days ago when I made her wear her snowpants to school because A) it was snowing, B) it was cold outside, and C)they had an outdoors field trip, and snowpants were required... this is our little conversation...
Me: Mia get your coat and snowpants on.
Mia: WHAT? I can't wear my snowpants. No other kids have to wear their snowpants...
Me: (tempted to use the "if everyone else jumped off a bridge..." quote) Sorry, you have to today...
Mia's bottom lip comes out and her eyes kinda gloss over like tears are gonna make me change my mind...
Me: Get them on now please...
Mia: But Angie.... I'll do anything.
Me: Put them on now please, or you're going to be late...
Mia: You're ruining MY LIFE!!!

oh the drama...
this is where anna the three year old gets it from...

well I gotta go get this pink eye checked out again. It's getting worse...

You probably won't get a chance to read this for a few days, I believe you're in Bombay right now. It was so awesome to hear all about the camel fair. Made me want to jump on a plane and come and visit you!!

Anyhoo... I'll write again soon
Love you lots,



Blogger mag said...

Yay Unplugged! Yay Cam! I’m so jealous. I wish I could get on a plane and come home…just for the month. Wait leslee and Bill are back together? Hmmm.

I’m siding with Mia on the snowpants thing. Snowpants are for geeks  Haha but I’m glad your getting so much drama from Mia. Then Michelle Drama isn’t so bad!

Eww your pink eye is worse? Go to the doctor!!!

O.k. I’ll write about Bombay soon. Miss you lots!!!!


8:00 PM  

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