My Life with the 3 year old Drama Queen
Quick question:
Should the term "yoga pants" even be in a three year old's vocabulary?
Yeah, I didn't think so...
Anna's favourite pair of pants are her blue "yoga pants" - once when we were downtown meeting Trac for lunch, Anna Banana announced: "I don't even know why I'm wearing my yoga pants when I'm not even doing any yoga!"
See, it's like having a teenager trapped in a three year old's body... when I'm around any other three year olds I find myself thinking "wow, are they ever babyish" and then I realize that no, they're normal. It's the Banana that doesn't act like your average three year old.
So today was gymnastics. She has graduated from the Gym-A-Tots program which required grown-up assistance with everything to the Hot Shots program where she doesn't need my help at all :( Do you have any idea what this means? I can no longer jump into the giant foam block pit!! That used to be the highlight of my week! The other highlight of my week used to be seeing her cute gymnastics coach Travis - my dream guy - great with kids, awesome sense of humour, and cute on top of it all! But we have a new coach now - Amanda, cute as well, but just not my type ;) Really Ang, like it matters - I shouldn't be picking activities for Anna with the hopes of hitting on her instructors!!
We had a tiny battle this morning over doing her hair - it has to be pulled back out of her face for gymnastics so I'm putting it into pigtails when she starts getting mad, "I don't WANT my hair in two ponies - it makes me look cute and I don't WANT TO BE CUTE!!!" So at first I tried convincing her that it didn't make her look cute, it made her look "cool". Then I thought, what am I doing? I'm the boss here. Her hair will be put into whatever I put it into. Then she asks if they can be "low ponies" - those are cool... Why can't anything be simple?
So I handed out candy at the house I was baby-sitting at last night and was VERY disappointed with the costumes. All I seen was witches, vampires and a couple dragons. Oh and one cowboy. Out of about 30 kids... some creativity people!!
Well, I've gotta get back to the munchkin. We're having a book marathon - curling up on the couch under a pile of blankets and reading for an hour - I love it!
Speaking of reading - there's this new kids' author I discovered that I LOVE! Andy Cutbill - he's from England, and I always find myself trying my best British accent out when I'm reading his stories (and you know how great my British accent is :) comes out as some sort of a cross between Australian, German and British...) He writes these great stories about a little boy named Albie - they're hilarious and the illustrations are amazing too!
Okay - later alligator...
too soon baboon :)
o.k. that jiggled my ass a bunch again! I can't believe that kid. I try to compare her to Jayden - yah he wouldn't even know what yoga pants were. so obviosly the kid is very observant(to notice the current trends in hair styles) does she watch alot of t.v.? Does her mom teach her these things?
great entry but I have one more thing to say - Travis? Likes kids, obvioulsy good at gymnastics, cute? I think he may be gay! :P
love you lots but gotta run! Taker.
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